Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Primary Links

I've checked out all of these links. They all have some really nice ideas. Some of them are things you could do yourself, but why take the time if someone else has already gone to the effort. What an amazing blessing the internet can be.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

In church on Sunday they had a bunch of strips of construction paper with things written on them like "Family Prayer, Paying Tithing, Going to Church, Having Family Home Evening..." and the lesson was on going to the Temple. The papers were handed out and then each kid came to the front with their paper and then they had a little discussion on each one about how it would help you be able to go to the Temple. As each one was read and discussed the teacher stapled them together to make a paper chain. At the end she read the quote from Pres. Hinckley about being a strong link in your family chain and the story about when he was pulling out the stump and the chain broke and he had to go to the store to get a new link. This could be used for a Temple theme or family theme. I thought it was very easy and simple, easy prep too, but it kept the kids involved.